Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's about time!!

It's been so long since I posted that I almost forgot how. Browser problems have been plaguing me for months now. I THINK that it is doing better. I have pretty much been "under the weather since early October when the plague of h1n1 hit us.:) I can't belive that I am STILL running a fever on and off and feel like a will be coughing forever. When I had my foll0w up app't yesterday, the doc told me that a lot of his patients are going through the same thing.

OK enough of that. I have been having so much fun making these little ornaments. My friend Suz of "ahh,surprise,", (see the link button on the right), ecouraged me to try my hand at making some ornaments. So here is the result so far.:)

Ethan is at such a fun age right now. We have been enjoying him so much. AND my baby girl had her 16th birthday yesterday. Unbelievable!!

Is anyone else anticipating Christmas as much as I am?? Not the commercial version, but looking forward to decorating, cookie baking and having family and friends around.:) Oh, AND of course only about a week until Thanksgiving.

Well, hopefully I will be blogging more now that the computer is doing better.:) Maybe it caught a bad virus too!!!